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Our Services

We offer a variety of options to suit your needs, whether it be a single scene top up or a full showreel from scratch!

As we work mostly with graduating actors, we usually shoot duologues and create two edits, one to favour one actor, and a second to favour the other.

This means not only can you split the price with a friend but the scene you're paying for shows you in your absolute best light.

Our Prices

Help us make the perfect showreel for you.


1 Scene - £190

2 Scenes - £340

3 Scenes - £510

Original Scene- £10

-Written to your specifications

Edit My Reel - £40

- If you already have some scenes, we'll edit them together into an industry ready showreel.

- 50% off when purchased with any Scene packages.

Source a Scene Partner - £30

- If you don't have an actor to play against in your scene, we'll get you one.


1 Scene (10% Discount for Graduating Actors) - £171

Lone Wolf (1 Scene edited to favour only 1 actor) - £165

Things to Know

  • Scenes are up to 2 minutes in length.  This is so that we can focus on providing highest quality material for your reel, which altogether should only come to a maximum of 3 minutes and comprise of about three scenes.

  • We use free sourced locations.  To maintain the best prices possible, we use freely sourced locations, usually the home of the client, as this also gives unlimited time for on set rehearsal!

  • We ask for scripts 2 weeks in advance. This is so that the director has time to look over the scene and bring up any queries with you they might have. This may include Location, costume, Blocking, Health and Saftey etc.

  • 3 Scene+ Packages require 2 Days.  As much as we'd love to shoot all day every day, we all need sleep, so for 3 scenes or more, we shoot over 2 days.

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